a creative director

Wiener Rover

Introducing the newest member of the Wienermobile family. 


The Wienermobile. For decades it’s traveled the land, bringing smiles to people’s faces. Yet there are some places it just can’t go. Now, thanks to the Wiener Rover, we can reach hot dog lovers in almost any location. Like the park. Or the beach. Or at a football tailgate. No matter where Oscar Mayer fans might be, we’ll be able to deliver hot dogs, and smiles. The Rover’s mission is simple: To Go Where No Wiener(Mobile) Has Gone Before.

After building the Rover, we wanted to show the world how awesome it is, where it can go and what it can do. So we shot this epic video together with Tucker Bliss and North of new York.

Press: Creativity Online, AdAge, AgencySpy, CNET, Wired, Chicago Tribune, Jalopnik, People Magazine.

Phase 2: RC Minis for Christmas.

After the smashing success of the original Wiener Rover, we decided to build mini RC versions and sell the on Cyber Monday. We used Twitter's 'Buy Now' and sold them everyday for a week. They sold out in 3 seconds on average. And with over 2.3 million impressions, we created something big from something mini. 
